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2022년 3월 12일(토) 교내에서 SAT 시험을 실시합니다.
응시자분들에게 시험 관련 정보 및 코로나19에 대응 관련 사항을 붙임과 같이 첨부하여 안내드리오니
필히 확인하시어 원활한 시험 준비에 협조하여 주시기 바랍니다.
1. 입실시간: 2022.3.12.(토) 07:30 ~
2. 준비물 (*필수품 미지참시 시험 응시 불가, 첨부파일 확인 필수)
- Printed Admission Ticket
- Korean Government-issued Photo ID (e.g. Passport, Korean ID Card, Driver Licence, Youth Card)
* Student Card(학생증) is not acceptable!
- COVID-19 Safety Self-Screening Questionaire
- Two No.2 Penciles(HB pencils) with erasers
- An Acceptable calculator
- KF 94 masks and extra masks
3. 코로나19 감염병 관련 안내사항 (자세한 사항은 첨부파일 확인 부탁드립니다.)
- 체온 37.5도 이상 또는 관련 유증상자 및 코로나19 확진자 등은 시험 응시 제한
- 감염병 확산 차단을 위하여 부모님, 인솔인 등은 교문 출입 불가
4. 기타 문의: 학생생활부 조용래 (yongraecho@ksa.kaist.ac.kr / 051-606-2186)
On 12th(Sat) March, 2022, SAT will be administered in KSA.
Test-takers should find the attached test information along with notices about COVID-19.
Thank you for your cooperation.
1. Check-in : 12th(Sat) March 2022, 07:30 ~
2. Mandatory Items to bring to test site
(*If you do not bring any of followings, admission will not be granted so please check out the attached)
- Printed Admission Ticket
- Korean Government-issued Photo ID (e.g. Passport, Korean ID Card, Driver Licence, Youth Card)
* Student Card(학생증) is not acceptable!
- COVID-19 Safety Self-Screening Questionaire
- Two No.2 Penciles(HB pencils) with erasers
- An Acceptable calculator
- KF 94 masks and extra masks
3. COVID-19 Notice (*Please check out the attached file for more information.)
- Admission is limited to a test-taker with body temperature higher than 37.5C, related symptoms,
and who is COVID-19 positive(confirmed in PCR or Rapid Antigen Test)
- Parents and guardians are not allowed to enter school on the test day to prevent COVID-19 infections
4. If you have any questions, please contact to yongraecho@ksa.kaist.ac.kr or 051-606-2186