Academics International Academic Exchange Programs Teacher Exchange Program

Teacher Exchange Program


  • To facilitate curriculum development between the two schools concerned as well as to share teaching methodologies and practices with participating teachers
  • To establish a greater understanding of different cultures and to create a multi-lateral network of teachers through mutual visits and exchanges


Category Institute Field(Number) Period
Dispatch Mahidol Wiattayanusorn School Chemistry(1) 2024.11.15. ~ 2025.02.07.
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Mathematics(1) 2019.12.30. ~ 2020.04.29.
Mahidol Wiattayanusorn School Chemistry(1) 2019.10.21. ~ 2019.12.23.
Kamnoetvidya Science Academy Physics(1) 2018.10.13. ~ 2019.01.05.
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Chemistry(1) 2018.12.30. ~ 2019.06.01
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Biology(1) 2017.12.31. ~ 2018.05.27
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Mathematics(1) 2016.12.30. ~ 2017.05.29.
Mahidol Wittayanusorn School Computer Science(1) 2016.10.10. ~ 2017.03.10.
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Chemistry(1) 2016.01.03. ~ 05.28.
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Physics(1) 2015.01.05. ~ 05.31.
Mahidol Wittayanusorn School Mathematics(1) 2014.10.14. ~2015.03.13.
Mahidol Wittayanusorn School Chemistry(1) 2013.10.14. ~ 12.30.
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Mathematics(1) 2013.03.16. ~ 06.08.
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Biology(1) 2011.12.27. ~ 2012.03.15.
Invitation Mahidol Wiattayanusorn School Chemistry(1) 2024.02.26. ~ 05.08.
Mahidol Wiattayanusorn School Mathematics(1) 2022.02.14. ~ 05.03.
Mahidol Wiattayanusorn School Chemistry(1) 2020.02.20. ~06.13.
Kamnoetvidya Science Academy Biology(1) 2020.02.20. ~06.13.
Mahidol Wittayanusorn School Physics(1) 2018.02.23. ~05.18.
Kamnoetvidya Science Academy Chemistry(1) 2017.02.10. ~ 06.15.
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Mathematics(1) 2016.08.19. ~ 12.25.
Mahidol Wittayanusorn School Chemistry(1) 2016.02.19. ~ 06.24.
Kamnoetvidya Science Academy Physics(1) 2016.04.06. ~ 05.20.
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Chemistry(1) 2015.09.06. ~ 12.25.
Mahidol Wittayanusorn School Biology(1) 2014.02.11. ~ 05.16.
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Geosystem(1)
2012.11.24. ~ 12.01.
NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Biology(1) 2012.08.06. ~ 12.22.
Mahidol Wittayanusorn School Mathematics(1) 2012.02.13. ~ 06.20.