03.04Inauguration of 8th Principal, Dr. CHUNG Yoon
02.20Entrance ceremony (149 students)
02.1520th Graduation Ceremony(8th Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 148 students)
11.12Mutual support agreement with GIST
09.14Mutual support agreement with UNIST
~102012 KSA Science Fair(KSASF 2012)
05.23Mutual support agreement with Chungbuk National University Astronomical Observatory
03.26Mutual support agreement with National Junior College, Sinapore
03.07Mutual support agreement with DGIST
02.22KSA entrance ceremony (157 students / 8 int'l students included)
02.1719th Graduation Ceremony(7th Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 138 students)
01.05Mutual support agreement with Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd.
11.22Mutual support agreement with Busan Institute of Science Education
Mutual support agreement with Busan Metropolitan City Institute For Gifted Education& Promotion
06.28International academic exchange agreement with MINT-EC, Germany
02.1818thGraduation Ceremony((6th Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 136 students)
02.09The entrance ceremony of KSA (154 students / 8 int'l students included)
11.11International academic exchange agreement with Alam Shah Science School, Malaysia
08.2318thGraduation Ceremony((6th Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 4 students)
~132010 KSA Science Fair(KSASF 2010 국내행사)
07.06International academic exchange agreement with Camborne Science and International Academy, UK
02.0917thGraduation Ceremony((5th Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 133 students)
02.03The entrance ceremony of KSA (160 students / 17 int'l students included)
08.2417thGraduation Ceremony((5th Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 9 students)
~152009 KSA Science Fair(KSASF 2009)
03.04Announcement of KSA's affiliation to KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) and the entrance ceremony of KSA (141 students)
03.01Inauguration of 7th Principal, Dr. Jang-hyuk Kwon
02.1116thGraduation Ceremony((4th Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 135 students)
02.06Korea Science of KAIST Transform confirmed
08.2516thGraduation Ceremony((3th Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 1 student)
~232008 KSA Science Fair(KSASF 2008)
07.09Mutual support agreement with UNIST
03.04The entrance ceremony of KSA (142 students)
03.03Inauguration of 6th Principal, Dr. Jang-hyuk Kwon
02.1315thGraduation Ceremony(4th Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 140 students)
08.2715th Graduation Ceremony(3rd Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 1 student)
07.11International academic exchange agreement with Lyceum Physical Technical High School Saint-Ptersburg, Russia
04.11International academic exchange agreement with Roanoke Valley Governor's School, U.S.A.
03.05The entrance ceremony of KSA (144 students)
02.1214thGraduation Ceremony(2nd Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 138 students)
11.22International academic exchange agreement with High School Affiliated to Fudan University, China
08.2514thGraduation Ceremony(2th Korea Science Academy of KAIST, 4 students)
08.24International academic exchange agreement with Moscow Chemical Lyceum (Lyceum N1303), Russia
International academic exchange agreement with Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School, Japan
~26International Students Science Fair 2006(ISSF 2006)
03.03The entrance ceremony of KSA (144 students)
03.01Inauguration of 5thPrincipal, Dr. Jung Chun Soo
02.2413thGraduation Ceremony(1stKorea Science Academy of KAIST, 123 students)
09.23International academic exchange agreement with National Junior College, Singapore
08.2913thGraduation Ceremony(1stKorea Science Academy of KAIST, 14 students)
07.12Renamed as Korea Science Academy (KSA)
06.17International academic exchange agreement with Australian Science and Mathematics School, Australia
03.07The entrance ceremony of KSA (144 students)
02.1812ndGraduation Ceremony
03.05The entrance ceremony of KSA (144 students)
02.1911stGraduation Ceremony
12.08International academic exchange agreement with Australian Science and Mathematics School, Australia
12.04International academic exchange agreement with 239 Physical-Mathematical School in St. Petersburg, Russia
12.01International academic exchange agreement with Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, U.S.A.
11.07International academic exchange agreement with Israel Arts and Science Academy, Israel
05.20Agreement on academic support with POSTECH and Educational Authority of Busan Metropolitan Government
03.01Transitioned to science and gifted Schools (First in Korea)
02.21The 1st entrance ceremony of BSA (144 students)
02.2110thGraduation Ceremony
09.27International academic exchange agreement with Kolmogorv Math and Physics High School, Russia
International academic exchange agreement with Mahidol Wittayanusorn School, Thailand
International academic exchange agreement with Northside College Preparatory High school, U.S.A.
07.04Agreement on academic exchange with Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT)
05.03Approval for designation & conversion of science and gifted schools (Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development)
10.31Designated as a school for scientifically gifted students by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
02.11제 7회 졸업식 및 제 8기 수료식 (졸업생 27명, 수료생 39명)
(졸업생 누계 251명, 수료 생 누계 327명, 합계 578명)
03.04The 1st entrance ceremony of Busan Science High School (BSHS: 60 Students, 2 classes)
09.07Foundation of Busan Science High School authorized